Sustainable isn't a buzzword at McDonald's.
Being the world's biggest restaurant chain comes with its responsibilities. Globally, but locally as well. Because here, too, we can help make a difference. Sustainably. For the people, for the environment, and for our planet.
Read all about the social commitment of McDonald's in Belgium.

How sustainable is our menu? The ingredients.
A veggie meal can be tasty, too. Sustainable fish tastes better. And sustainable coffee perks you right up. Also check out the other ingredients on our responsible menu.

Jobs with a future? Welcome to McDonald's.
At McDonald's, we create more than just employment. We also create plenty of opportunities to grow. For everyone—no discrimination.

What about waste? Glad you asked.
At McDonald's, we move mountains. Mountains of trash. And we make sure they're put to good use. Find out how far we take sorting and recycling waste and eliminating plastic.

How do you build a sustainable future?
A sustainable approach is literally built into our restaurants. From green energy to rainwater tanks to waterless urinals. And let's not forget the charging stations in the car park.

What sick children need? Their parents.
A child in hospital wants nothing more than to have mum and dad close by. As a parent, too, you want to be right there. Now you can at the UZ in Jette. Thanks to the Ronald McDonald House.